|Delta, BC| www.theinkrag.com | A division of Jennifer's Graphics

Written Works

Written Image

The written works section is some articles that I have written that are not on the topic of Printing or the Web.

Some of them I wrote as essays while I was at Langara taking a course on writing for the web.

The other current item is my self-published book I've written on the topic of Roses and their colour meaning called Rose Savvy. Currently, this book is available on-line as an E-Book (PDF and reflowable EPUB) at my shop. However, if your interested in a hard copy you can contact me.

Langara Articles

Some Articles I wrote at Langara in my Writing for the Web & Adobe Classes:

Memories of Glass Part 1

I remember the sight of red, green and blue broken glass on a late afternoon walk with my parents along the south arm of the Fraser River. From the 1950’s up until the late 1990’s the river had been a dumping ground of car parts, firewood, pottery and glass. I had to carefully wander over the iron-soaked mud and sand to avoid tripping over semi-submerged cinder blocks and springs to find the coloured glass. I recall as the light began to dim, I could see the tide rise and hear the sound of the glass tinkling like a wind chime in the waves of a tugboat’s wake. These walks brought to me an array of memories about coloured glass. read more

Memories of Glass Continued Part 2

Dangerous Glass? – Identify Appearance Before Purchase.

What could be the harm in purchasing a bag filled with decorative glass from a thrift shop? Later, Jennifer would question her decision when she remembered her family vacation in Pennsylvania. read more

My Desert Haiku

What I have too much of…

Desert Plants, multiply

Try to Sell, have too many

See more, Buy, Overwhelmed

Study of Shells - conchology & shell collecting - Brochure

Shell Brochure


Non-Langara Articles

Some Articles I wrote ouside of Langara:

Rose Savvy

Rose Colour, Message and Symbolism

Rose Savvy Book Cover

About a year ago I self-published a booklet. My friend Arlene edited the book and I drew coloured illustrations for it.

The booklet is a is about rose colour and how throughout history there are meanings associated with:

  • Rose colour - single or in a collection
  • Form of a rose
  • Quantity of roses

This is a great book to have in your collection if you are a :

  • Rose Society Enthusiast
  • Gardener
  • Florist
  • Corporate Event Planner
  • Lover of flowers

If you are interested in purchasing a paperback copy of this book contact me at the above links or for an E-Book version visit my online shop

Coming Soon

Coming Soon